Toastmasters and Rotary
Margaret Page
Effective communication is critical to the success of any group. Tom Smith introduced Margaret, International Toastmasters President-elect who has been directly involved in the alliance between Toastmasters and Rotary and the development of a communications programme especially for Rotary. 
Margaret began by showing the parallels between Rotary and Toastmasters:
. both are volunteers organizations
. both started in the early 1900's 
. both are now represented throughout the globe
. both have similar governing structures
What is to be gained by an alliance? Obviously bringing the two groups  together will leverage the strength of the members of both organizations to grow professionally and personally. For Toastmasters it will provide an opportunity to be introduced to humanitarian service; for Rotarians it will provide the opportunity to heighten their communication skills. To that end Toastmasters has created an eight-course programme that can be accessed on-line in the form of videos:
 .Developing a speech
 .Delivering the speech
 .Inspirational speeches
 .Interpersonal Communication and Networking
 .Leadership Basics
 .Leading a Team
 .Inclusive Leadership
These are all available on the Rotary e-learning site with members merely having to log-in
Margaret then made suggestions for furthering the alliance such as by attending each others meetings, getting together for social or networking events, sharing speakers, cross-mentoring activities and working together on community projects. A good deal of information is available at: Yvonne Anderson thanked Margaret for her presentation outlining this promising alliance and for the leadership she continues to provide to Toastmasters.