Professional golf instructor Taronne Atley and other Rotarians were participating in some fun at the Beach Grove Golf and Country Club marking the launch of the 1st Annual Masters Golf Pool fundraiser based on the first PGA golf major of the 2009 golf season. Play on-line:

Taronne Atley issued a friendly challenge to all BC golfers, "Can you pick the Masters winners?" The local professional golf instructor and Rotarian explained, "We have a funraiser that is also a fundraiser! The 1st Annual Masters Golf Pool, jointly sponsored by the BC Golf Association and the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen and Point Roberts".


"Anybody can have fun with this, just pick the winners to be a winner!" said a smiling Rick Lewall, Chair of the Rotary Committee promoting a way for all golfers to have fun and win big by playing this year's Masters Golf Tournament. With prize money totaling $7,000, Rick expects little problem collecting $30 for each of the 2,000 entry forms.


"Challenge your golf buddies to pick a better team than you!" said the affable Rotarian after missing another putt, "I may not make the cut!"


"Want a lesson?" volunteered smiling instructor Taronne.


Players pick a team of 10 golfers (2 from each of 5 categories) that earns the greatest total prize money in this year's Masters to claim the $5,000 grand prize. Now every BC golfer entering the pool will watch the classic tournament with extra interest. The first major golf tournament of the 2009 seasons opens with four days of competition. The Masters Golf Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club begins April 9.


Proceeds benefit the Player Development Trust Fund and Rotary's youth, local and international projects. The Player Fund helps develop junior golfers in BC and provides them with improved competitive golf experiences.


Benefiting Rotary projects include many youth programs and community projects like the HealingGarden at DeltaHospital, Terry Fox Run, Operation Red Nose, Holiday Gift Baskets and EarthWiseGardens. Rotary funds also support multiple international projects including Polio Plus to eliminate polio and ShelterBox to provide families with disaster relief.


Masters Golf Pool entry forms are available from any Tsawwassen Rotarian, by calling: 604 943-2727 or online at:


Sales are limited to 2000 tickets available at $30 each:

First place      $5,000

Second place $1,000

Third place     $   500

Five prizes      $   100


About British Columbia Golf Association:

BCGA governs amateur golf in British Columbia and functions for the benefit of all golfers in the Province. The Association is involved in National golf affairs through affiliation with the Royal Canadian Golf Association. For more information:


About Tsawwassen Rotary:

Tsawwassen Rotarians volunteer to support local, international and youth projects. They are business owners, managers and professionals who enjoy fun, fellowship and live or work in our community. They invite like minded men and women to join.